Infrared Flame Sensor Module

35.00 EGP

This module is sensitive to the flame and radiation. It also can detect ordinary light source in the range of of a wavelength 760nm-1100 nm. It can be used as a flame alarm or in fire fighting robots.

SKU: MD-22531 Category: Tags: ,



  • Detects a flame or a light source of a wavelength in the range of 760nm-1100 nm.
  • Detection range: up to 100 cm.
  • Adjustable detection range.
  • Detection angle about 60 degrees, it is sensitive to the flame spectrum.
  • Comparator chip LM393 makes module readings stable.
  • Operating voltage 3.3V-5V.
  • Digital and Analog Output. 
  • Power indicator and digital switch output indicator.

Interface Description (4-wire)

1 VCC — 3.3V-5V voltage
3 DO  — board digital output interface (0 or 1)
4 AO  — board analog output interface